
Monday, April 11, 2011

Where's the loo? Excess coffee linked to leaky bladder

NEW YORK — Women who down a lot of caffeinated drinks each day may have a slightly increased risk of developing urinary incontinence, a new study suggests. The results add to conflicting evidence on whether caffeine worsens a common condition.

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Researchers found that of more than 65,000 U.S. women, those with the highest caffeine intake -- roughly equivalent to four or more cups of coffee per day or 10 cans of soda -- were more likely than the less-caffeinated to develop urinary incontinence over 4 years.
Compared with women who got the least caffeine, those with the highest intake were 19 percent more likely to develop frequent problems with bladder control (at least once a week).
The study found no increased risk among women consuming 299 milligrams of caffeine - the equivalent of about three cups of coffee - or less per day.
In the most highly caffeinated group that downed 450 mg or more per day, however, caffeine was particularly related to urge incontinence, or urgency, a type of incontinence where leakage happens after a sudden, strong urge to urinate.
The findings, reported in the Journal of Urology, do not prove that caffeine caused the women's bladder-control problems.
And if caffeine is to blame, it may only be at very high amounts.


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