
Monday, June 11, 2012

Reported U.S. Computer Virus Spread to Iran

Washington DC: The Obama administration reportedly ordered the attacks against the network linked to Iran's nuclear enrichment facility. As proclaimed TGDaily, Saturday (2/6), Obama ordered a cyber attack against a nuclear reactor in Natanz accelerated. Cyber ​​operations have code named the Olympics.

This is not the first time the U.S. use of cyber weapons to cripple the infrastructure of other countries. "Previously, cyber attacks have a limited effect on other computers," said Michael V. Hayden, former head of the CIA. "This is the first attack in which the main are cyber attacks are used to influence the physical damage."

Some time ago, Iran acknowledged that the worm type virus has damaged the operating centrifuges at its uranium enrichment facility in Nantaz. The virus is actively used as a weapon to attack a virtual entity in some countries. The goal, not least as a "cyber espionage."

As one of the official administrative record, the U.S. cyber attacks are not limited to Iran, but focus on some of the country. In the near future, the Pentagon is considering to conduct cyber attacks to overturn the military plans of North Korea and China, or even possibly disrupt Al Qaeda's global operations. (ADO)

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