
Saturday, July 07, 2012

Facebook and Twitter Reproduction, 5 Berjaya Local Social Network

Social networking sites China successfully hosted in their own country. In addition to its government to ban the use of foreign social networking, this was due to local social networks have the advantage of understanding the needs of the people of China.

Although admittedly, not a few people of China that "trick" to keep its Internet connection can use Facebook and Twitter.

Of the 513 million Internet users in China, more than half of accessing local social networks continue to grow. There are five social networking sites, the local community, no less popular with Facebook and Twitter.

A. Sina Weibo

What kind of social networking Sina Weibo? For simplicity, this is a social network based on the flow of information such as Twitter. Sina Weibo a leader in the realm of social media, and become an important platform for 22% of the population of Internet users in China. Two times more users than Twitter users in China.

Sina Weibo is often used to catapult the social discourse and marketing activities. China celebrities also use it to communicate with fans.

Sina Weibo Remarkably, it allows users to insert images and video, something that is now starting to be developed by Twitter.

2. Renren

Built in 2005 under the name Xiaonei, and cater to the students. Xiaonei later changed its name in 2009 to Renren.

Renren is often called the Facebook version of China, which now is not only used by the students. With 147 million registered users and 31 million active users per month, Renren ready to be social networks are highly educated population in China.

3. Tencent

Tencent is considered as a platform for the masses and basically built for QQ instant messaging service. With QQ account, users have access to all services Tencent. Nature such as social media center.

Tencent's social network named Pengyou, have a lower number of users when compared to the active users Weibo and Renren. However, because Tencent memilliki multiple platforms, to this day he still retains the status of the largest communities in China in terms of sheer registered users.

4. Douban

Douban is a popular forum of intellectuals who specialized review of books, music, and movies. There are 80 million registered users and 60 million active users per month.

A research says Douban users access about 80% of the content on these sites.

Douban Besides, there are two other forum sites that are growing and relatively new entrants. The first is Diandian, known as the Tumblr version of China. Founded in 2010, now Diandian has had 5 million registered users. The second is P1.cn, which already has 2.7 million users.

5. WeChat

WeChat formerly known as Weixin, a voice and text applications with social features that runs on mobile devices. They exploit the penetration of mobile device users in China, which 69% of the population accessing the Internet with mobile devices. WeChat now running in the IOS and the Android operating system.

Wechat continue to add social networking features in its products, including sharing photos and features found friends. Wechat currently used by over 100 million users.

They also enrich the product by developing Jiepang service, an application like Foursquare. There are also applications for people dating named Momo. Both received enough of its users.

Keep in mind, the social networking site in China must comply with government regulations regarding the prohibition to publish content that is considered to be unsettling and disturbing national stability.

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